
If I'm not a nerd I'm at the very least a big geek and even I'm in awe. Although, differentiating the two is probably very nerdy.... Anyway, check out why aliens will never contact us: here. There's a fine line between cool and nerdy sometimes, this guy just thrust through it with a chainsaw and pooped all over living room floor on the nerdy side.

Music is sold differently, people are still idiots.

There's this British band called Koopa who apparently broke into the UK top 40. No big deal right? "There's probably at least 40 bands who have done that before", you might be saying to yourself. You sly boots. Well this band just so happens to be unsigned and their single is available only via download. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it. You filthy smoker! These British people, who I assume run this thing, changed the rules of the list to include download-only music from various approved music sites. A pretty big step in the direction away from corporate interests clusterfucking the musical landscape of our society. Spreading about cheap, dumb, throw-away, shallow music. Uninspired in every sense of the word and made only to make a quick buck for some asshole in a tie. So what form of fantastic and imaginative euphony have we, the people, chosen to start this new era. Well as it turns out, complete and utter shit. I'm really not a genre snob. I can listen to pretty much any genre of music and find at least a couple of things that I can enjoy. Granted that I reside on the more melodic slant of the musical spectrum. To me avant-garde music is just an excuse to not learn how to play an instrument and then call it art, much like punk. Punk music is just pretty much rock for people who never bothered to learn proper tablature. But even those forms of "music" came from some place, an ambition to express oneself. Tell us something about yourself. Koopa is just the same brand of functionally retarded fluff we've always been getting from the recording industry. There is really no artistic merit here at all. No, none. Stop that internal dialogue, you're wrong. So yes, this thing didn't have the commercial backing of some huge conglomerate, big whoop. It still has all the same trappings of a band like My Chemical Romance or AFI. No I didn't just choose them for their retarded fucking emo-mantra that makes me welcome a random coma inducing stroke. Fall Out Boy is perhaps a more apt comparision. Maybe these record companies continue making garbage because that's what people like. In that case, they are geniuses. I think I just blew my own mind. This is still just a light weight faire compared to the utter void of artistry that is modern R&B and Hip hop. When was the last time R&B contained any rhythm or even a snippet of blues? The point here is: I don't care what you play, just play it from the heart. And for the love of Joe Pesci, people, get a fucking clue or stop listening to music. "Yeah but you can't account for taste. My mom said so!". Yes you can, I just did. I accounted for it, then re-counted it and made the decision for you. And your mom probably liked better music than you do.

I'm flaccid with rage!

What in the hell is your problem? Our relationship was what it was. I certainly knew what I was getting into when we first hooked up. You are a manipulative passive aggressive bitch and I'm an asshole. It's as simple as that. I don't care about what little tiny thing set of your emotional roller coaster ride this time, I really don't. You had one, if not every day, at least once a week when we dated. Everything had to be so fucking dramatic. Everything was a deep black abyss of nothingness, or some such shit. Please be quiet.

Not everything that happens to you is important. In fact, I'm sure most of it isn't even slightly interesting. Life really isn't that hard. Honestly. And if you're going to continue to complain you could at the very least become some sort of Buddhist monk (do Buddhists have nuns?) and move away to some place where you won't have phone access. That way you won't bother as many people with your "life is pain" bullshit.

You hurt yourself? Oh God that is so dark! Why not just get an eating disorder and then whine about that imaginary psychological ailment. I hear there's some sort of placebo for that now. Leave the bodily abuse to those of us who know how it's done. My life didn't begin nor end with you. I've moved on and for all your posturing it seems to me you haven't. Why else would you call me up on a Saturday and deliberately try to piss me off?

My life isn't dramatically different after all of this. Here, let me give you a little example using my lifestyle.


This is an illustration of my life before we met.


And this in an actual picture from after.

Sure some of the beer is a little cheaper, but that's because I'm a cheap asshole. You should know that, seeing as how I bought you the "wrong" (i.e not 200+ dollars worth of) presents. Then again I never received a single one from you. At least now I don't have someone constantly complaining about my drinking, while that very same person is gulping down Bacardi Breezers/Smirnoff Ices and hitting on every other man that comes along. So thank you for ruining my Saturday, I'm now blocking your number.

PS. Ever contemplated suicide? It's way cool and rocks ass. All the awesome people are doing it.


Project me this, project me that.

Having gotten most other stuff out of the way, I'm now working on a new short film. This thing is completely fueled by my latest onset of depression. I don't want to give you the impression that I sat at home in the dark, cutting myself and crying. If it ever came to that point I'd just kill myself and stop being such a whiny bitch. Unlike anything I've done before this little spiel will not be a piece of strict genre convention but instead more tread along the lines of avant garde cinema. It's not going to be some pretentious piece of garbage without structure though. It will contain some form of story, or at least logic. That's my goal anyhow. It's going to be a musically driven piece of visual experimentation. Bear with me. I'll be back to making my ordinary stuff soon enough. Listening to: Clutch - Shiny Cadillackiness Watching: Battlestar Galactica Reading: Survivor by Chuck Palahniuk